ORIGINAL ADVISORY: http://myimei.com/security/2006-05-07/mybb111email-verification-in-user-activation-sql-injection-attack.html ??????-Summary?????- Software: MyBB Sowtware?s Web Site: http://www.mybboard.com Versions: 1.1.1 Class: Remote Status: Unpatched Exploit: Available Solution: Available Discovered by: imei addmimistrator Risk Level: medume-High ??????Description????? There is a security bug in MyBB 1.1.1 software (latest version fully patched) that allows attacker performe a SQL Injection attack. bug is in result of weak regullar expression for cheknig email and also forgotting to addslash a value that entered in db and now fetch and reinsert it. MORE DETAILES IN ORIGINAL ADVISORY;)