hello world!, the idle scan was just rediscovered in my lab while i was trying to replicate a dos attack on a windowsxp ,linux(debian sarge) and win2k workstations. I had thought that IDLE scan was a closed chaper after the ipid0 and randomisations were applied( i think Marco Ivaldi's bugtraq mail on bypassing the zero IP ID was patched). Idle scan attack should be re-investigated and vulnerable systems patched. Till the developers patch it up, everybody should learn to use some suitable workarounds. My time limit and eagerness to report this to the community at the earliest have resulted in certain compromises; although i had replicated the attack on debian sarge(yes its affected too!!) and win2k i was unable to document because i got so tired that i leave it to you all as an exercise!! please see my page for the technical details and screenshots of my replication of the IDLE scan attack: http://joeljose.pbwiki.com/idlescan -- As soon as men decide that all means are permitted to fight an evil, then their good becomes indistinguishable from the evil that they set out to destroy. - Christopher Dawson, The Judgment of Nations