With less than two weeks to go LayerOne would like to announce that this years Call For Papers is now closed. We would like to thank everyone that submitted a paper. The response we recieved was so overwhelming that we will be making changes to the show for next year to accomodate more speakers (i.e. adding a day, multiple tracks, etc.). We have made our selections and the final speaker line-up and schedule can be viewed on our website. Pre-registration is still open, but will be closing at midnight on April the 8th. Tickets will be available at the door, but the cost will be 80 dollars. Once again, we would like to thank everyone in the community who has supported us and we look forward to seeing you on the 15th. Event details are as follows: LayerOne 2006 April 15-16, 2006 Pasadena Hilton, Pasadena, CA http://layerone.info -The LayerOne Staff