Re: [Full-disclosure] Critical PHP bug - act ASAP if you are running web with sensitive data

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I very much doubt there are many applications at all containing code like this. It is illogical to be decoding html entities from user input. Therefore I would not call this a "very serious problem" and certainly not a critical bug.
Somewhat I agree. I suspected this may affect more functions that only 
this one and was very alarmed. I never digged around in PHP source and 
was not able to verify it fast. So if PHP developer says, it is affects 
only on function, this is fine.
There are application which are known to use it. Like, so I attacker may use social engineering easily 
to gain access to such feature.
I am security auditor and 90% cases I get to goal combining using bunch of small, useless problems. Sorry if you do not see problem.

EOD :).

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