C|Net Exclusive Headline News: http://tinyurl.com/l5wbf CastleCops, a globally oriented security and privacy site, and Sunbelt Software, a leading provider of Windows security software, announced today a new anti-phishing task force designed to help consumers and businesses combat the unending scourge of phishing scams and online identity theft. The task force, called the Phishing Incident Reporting and Termination (PIRT) Squad, is a community at CastleCops solely dedicated to taking down phishing sites. The community consists of members who report new phishing scams as well as highly experienced security researchers ("handlers") that handle incoming reports of phishing websites and are responsible for performing immediate action to terminate the criminal activity. Links: http://wiki.castlecops.com/PIRT http://castlecops.com/pirt Further Reading: http://blogs.zdnet.com/Spyware/?p=803 http://sunbeltblog.blogspot.com/2006/03/become-phishing-terminator.html http://castlecops.com/article-6574-nested-0-0.html <http://fraudwar.blogspot.com/2006/03/phishing-incident-reporting-and.html> http://msmvps.com/blogs/spywaresucks/archive/2006/03/28/88075.aspx http://www.vitalsecurity.org/2006/03/riot-is-rhyme-of-unheard.html -- Paul Laudanski, Microsoft MVP Windows-Security [de] http://de.castlecops.com [en] http://castlecops.com [wiki] http://wiki.castlecops.com [family] http://cuddlesnkisses.com