Hello Love them or loathe them, commercial vulnerability alert services which report salient detail from lists such as Bugtraq and Full Disclosure fulfil a valuable security function to many organisations. We would like some help in updating the vendor agnostic view of all vulnerability alert services (good, bad & ugly) at http://www.securitywizardry.com/alert.htm as we are now looking for an alert service ourselves we need to update the page, if you know of any other services that we don't have (below) please contact us off list. One kind hearted supplier was providing us a free feed with which we verified the information on our vulnerability radar http://securitywizardry.com/radar.htm However, following the publicised visit to the NSA by President Bush http://www.securitywizardry.com/about.htm the feed was withdrawn. Thus far we have details on: Symantec Deepsight Alert Services SecurityMob FrCIRT iAlert Web TraceAlert SecurityTracker Cybertrust Vulnerability/Threat Management Vulnerability Tracking Service X-Force Threat Analysis Service http://www.securitywizardry.com/alert.htm As mentioned please reply off list if you wish to add to the list of providers, if there is sufficient value in the changes I will post a summary, otherwise the page will remain available Regards Andy Cuff Chief Technology Officer Computer Network Defence Ltd http://www.securitywizardry.com