Easy File Sharing Web Server Multiple Vulnerablilities Software: Easy File Sharing Web Server Version: 3.2 Website: http://www.sharing-file.com/ Description: Easy File Sharing Web Server is a Windows program that allows you to host a secure peer-to-peer and web-based file sharing system without any additional software or services. Vulnerabilities: 1) Remote System Compromise: A registered user can upload a malicious file to a Startup folder, leading to system compromise after reboot. Exploit: not needed. 2) Denial of Service: By sending a specifically crafted GET request, the EFS web server will crash. Exploit: 3) Cross-Site Scripting: It is possible to insert arbitrary script code like <script>alert(document.cookie);</script> in "Description" field when creating a folder or uploading a file. Tested on: Windows 2000 SP4 Windows XP SP2 Credit: Discovered by Revnic Vasile revnic@xxxxxxxxx