Grisoft issued a fix for the Problem, wich installs with the latest Update: --- AVG Anti-Virus Update --- (03/08/2006) ******************************** ** AVG Anti-Virus 7.1 ** ******************************** --- information about Update --- Update Summary: * fix for the too relaxed permission after the update * changes in scanning core, mainly new generic getection of some polymorphic viruses and support for more run-time compression algorithms * ability to set up exclusions for the detection of potentially unwanted programs * in firewall, ability to define new global rules and to step back firewall configuration Update your AVG Anti-Virus 7.1 using one of the following methods: - Use the Update feature in AVG Anti-Virus 7.1 to perform your update - select "Internet", and AVG will prompt you with the update files appropriate for your installation. - Use the appropriate link from below to download the Update file to your hard drive. Then access the Update feature in AVG Anti-Virus 7.1 - select "Folder" and indicate the location of the Update file which you have downloaded. Update file for all Program versions (size 4094665 bytes): Update file for all Program versions (size 6974519 bytes): Update file for all Program versions (size 1378218 bytes): Update file for all Program versions (size 2638096 bytes): All available Update files, including previous versions, may be found at the following link: -- GRISOFT > There is more here:,15601404 > Basically, a first time install of AVG 7 will have default > permissions. \Program Files\Grisoft\AVG Free has inherited > permissions from \Program Files. This is preferred, because lower > privileged accounts can't damage it. > Once any files are updated, the permissions are changed to > "Everyone" with "Full Control" on the updated files, and will change > the owner to whomever is logged in. Even limited users become > owners. That does not stop at \Program Files\Grisoft\AVG Free, it > will even do that to AVG's drivers in %windir%\system32\drivers. - Matti Haack - Hit Haack IT Service Gmbh Poltlbauer Weg 4, D-94036 Passau +49 851 50477-22 Fax: +49 851 50477-29 Dieses Dokument ist ausschliesslich fuer den Adressaten bestimmt. Jegliche Art von Reproduktion, Verbreitung, Vervielfaeltigung, Modifikation, Verteilung und/oder Publikation dieser E-Mail-Nachricht ist untersagt, soweit dies nicht ausdruecklich genehmigt wurde. Jegliche Haftung fur Ansprueche, die aufgrund der Kommunikation per E-Mail begruendet werden koennten, ist ausgeschlossen, soweit der Haftungsausschluss gesetzlich zulaessig ist. -- Ausgehende E-Mail wurde auf Viren gescannt --