There are already dozens, perhaps hundreds of these sites out there, if you know how to use a search engine. "Hacking contests", "hacking wargames", etc. "King of the hill" type war-games are where the person who roots the box owns the box and tries to keep everyone else from rooting it (however, deleting user accounts or making it impossible to log in is usually disqualification) Why this discussion is even on Bugtraq boggles my mind. This is perhaps Security-Basics fodder. On 2/15/06, Anthony Cicalla <Anthony.Cicalla@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > ... Maybe a > sponsored couple of sites to teach this and be legal targets for script > kiddies. Just some of my thoughts on the matter. After saying this I don't > support illegal activities but if we want the kids to learn and not go to > jail for being curious then we as a community need to look at this and > provide a positive outlet for this type of activity. >