Cristian Stoica wrote: > I have a question: > If you use an ecryption algorithm to store/get data into/from the > database you will not be able to do SQL injections ? > With a simple encryption algorithm, I do with php explode, > transform the string into an array and run the algorithm on each > member of the array. There are actually several papers on this idea by Angelos Keromytis and his students & colleagues: @inproceedings ( kc03, author = "Gaurav S. Kc and Angelos D. Keromytis and Vassilis Prevelakis", title = "{Countering Code Injection Attacks With Instruction Set Randomization}", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 10th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS 2003)", address = "Washington, DC", month = "October", year = 2003, ) Crispin -- Crispin Cowan, Ph.D. Director of Software Engineering, Novell Olympic Games: The Bi-Annual Festival of Corruption