New eVuln Advisory: phphd Multiple Vulnerabilities --------------------Summary---------------- eVuln ID: EV0060 CVE: CVE-2006-0607 CVE-2006-0608 CVE-2006-0609 Vendor: Hinton Design Vendor's Web Site: Software: phphd Sowtware's Web Site: Versions: 1.0 Critical Level: Moderate Type: Multiple Vulnerabilities Class: Remote Status: Unpatched. No reply from developer(s) Exploit: Available Solution: Not Available Discovered by: Aliaksandr Hartsuyeu ( -----------------Description--------------- 1. Authentication Bypass Vulnerable script: check.php There are two ways to bypass authentication: a) SQL Injection Variable $HTTP_POST_VARS[username] isn't properly sanitized before being used in a SQL query. This can be used to make any SQL query by injecting arbitrary SQL code. Condition: magic_quotes_gpc - off b) Cookie based authentication check.php script dont make password comparisson when identifying user by cookies 2. Multiple Cross-Site Scripting Vulnerable script: add.php Most of user-defined data isn't properly sanitized. This can be used to post arbitrary html or script code. 3. Multiple SQL Injections Vulnerable scripts: all scripts showing some data from database Most of user-defined data isn't properly sanitized. This can be used to make any SQL query by injecting arbitrary SQL code. Condition: magic_quotes_gpc - off --------------Exploit---------------------- Available at: --------------Solution--------------------- No Patch available. --------------Credit----------------------- Discovered by: Aliaksandr Hartsuyeu (