I've actually seen instances where inbound Internet e-mail is completely bypassing policy engine rules. The following article was referenced on their web site. It's also interesting to note that today they released another article pointing to an alleged increase in global spam. Could this product be under attack? Have spammers found a hole?? -Anonymous Tumbleweed Tech Note: ============================= Under extremely heavy loads, the Email Firewall policy engine will occasionally fail to process a message correctly. Such message will be retried, and should be processed in due course with no interruption to the email flow (29216). Email Firewall (MMS) Bulletin ============================= Global Spam Increase [20 January, 2006] Tumbleweed has received a number of reports from our customers citing an increase in missed spam over the past week to 10 days. Tumbleweed is aware of a dramatic increase in spam outbreaks over the last few weeks that is affecting the Internet in general and challenging the entire anti-spam industry. Increases in overall spam volume will result in an increased number of missed spam although the overall capture rate may be unchanged.