hi, this is what we can read in file "/claroline/inc/claro_init_local.inc.php" : [...] $ssoCookieValue = md5( mktime() ); $sql = "UPDATE `".$tbl_sso."` SET cookie = '".$ssoCookieValue."', rec_time = NOW() WHERE user_id = ". (int) $_uid; $affectedRowCount = claro_sql_query_affected_rows($sql); if ($affectedRowCount < 1) { $sql = "INSERT INTO `".$tbl_sso."` SET cookie = '".$ssoCookieValue."', rec_time = NOW(), user_id = ". (int) $_uid; claro_sql_query($sql); } $boolCookie = setcookie($ssoCookieName, $ssoCookieValue, $ssoCookieExpireTime, $ssoCookiePath, $ssoCookieDomain); [...] so, the cookie value must be always unknown. in this code, the cookie value is the md5 value of the connection time ! really unknown ? no. solution : desactivate sso service or replace mktime() by rand(100,1000000) (for e.g)