Title: ICQ Cross Site Scripting Author: Simo Ben youssef aka _6mO_HaCk <simo_at_morx_org> Date: 10 January 2006 MorX Security Research Team http://www.morx.org Service: Web/Chat Vendor: ICQ.com Vulnerability: Cross Site Scripting / Cookie-Theft / Relogin attacks Severity: Medium/High Tested on: Microsoft IE 6.0 and FireFox 1.5 Description: (From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) ICQ is an instant messaging computer program, created by Mirabilis, an Israeli start-up company based in Tel-Aviv. The program was first released in November, 1996, and was the first all-internet instant messaging program. ICQ was awarded two major patents by the U.S. patent office. The name ICQ is a play on the phrase "I seek you". ICQ allows the sending of text messages with offline support, URLs, multi-user character-by-character chats, resumable file transfers, SMSes, greeting cards and more. Other features included a searchable user directory and POP3 email support. Even though such features have been available since around 2000, many of the main competitors such as AOL Instant Messenger, MSN Messenger and Yahoo! Messenger have failed to implement such power-user oriented features even to this day. Instead, they have targeted younger users with an avalanche of colors, avatars, and animations. ICQ users are identified by numbers called UIN, distributed in sequential order (though it is rumored there are gaps in the sequence). New users are now given a UIN of well over 300,000,000, and low numbers (six digits or fewer) have been auctioned on eBay by users who signed up in ICQ's early days. Details: ICQ.com search script (search_result.php) is vulnerable to cross-site scripting attacks. This problem is due to a failure in the application to properly sanitize user input, the input can be passed to the vulnerable script in 2 variables (gender and home_country_code). Impact: an attacker can exploit the vulnerable script to have arbitrary script code executed in the browser of an authentified ICQ user in the context of the ICQ webpage. resulting in the theft of cookie-based authentication giving the attacker temporary access to the victim's account, as well as other type of attacks. Affected Script with PoC: http://www.icq.com/whitepages/search_result.php?online=on&home_country_code=0&age_group=&gender=<script>alert('VULNERABLE')</script>&interest_text=&photo=1 http://www.icq.com/whitepages/search_result.php?online=on&home_country_code=<script>alert(document.cookie)</script>&age_group=&gender=1&interest_text=&photo=1 Detailed exploitation with screen captures: http://www.morx.org/iseekyowned.html Disclaimer: this entire document is for eductional, testing and demonstrating purpose only. Modification use and/or publishing this information is entirely on your OWN risk. The information provided in this advisory is to be used/tested on your OWN machine/Account. I cannot be held responsible for any of the above.