New eVuln Advisory: B-net Software Multiple XSS Vulnerabilities --------------------Summary---------------- Software: B-net Software Sowtware's Web Site: Versions: 1.0 Critical Level: Moderate Type: Cross-Site Scripting Class: Remote Status: Unpatched Exploit: Available Solution: Not Available Discovered by: Aliaksandr Hartsuyeu (alex@xxxxxxxxx) Published: 2006.01.02 eVuln ID: EV0010 -----------------Description-------------- Vulnerable scripts: shout.php guestbook.php Variables $name $shout in shout.php $title $message in guestbook.php - isn't properly sanitized. This can be used to post arbitrary html or script code which will be executed in the browser of every guestbook visitor. --------------Exploit--------------------- Shoutbox: Name: XSS Website:anyurl Message: XSS Guestbook: Name: anyname Email: anyemail Web: anyurl Title: XSS Message: XSS --------------Solution--------------------- No Patch available. --------------Credit--------------------- Original Advisory: Discovered by: Aliaksandr Hartsuyeu (alex@xxxxxxxxx)