We have verified the problem; with an NTFS volume and Windows XP,
free space wiping of slack after the end of a file but before the end
of the cluster does not occur correctly with Windows XP and NTFS. It
does work correctly with NTFS under Windows 2000, or with Windows XP
and another file system such as FAT32. It also works correctly when
using the file shredding functionality. This issue affected only the
volume-level free space wiping.
We have created a fix for this issue, and the fix has pass both our
own tests and independent testing by Vinnie Liu. We are now preparing
PGP Desktop 9.0.4 that includes this fix. We expect to release PGP
Desktop 9.0.4 next Wednesday, 21 Dec 2005.
Jon Callas
PGP Corporation Tel: +1 (650) 319-9016
3460 West Bayshore Fax: +1 (650) 319-9001
Palo Alto, CA 94303 PGP: ed15 5bdf cd41 adfc 00f3
USA 28b6 52bf 5a46 bc98 e63d
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