Notacon, an annual "hacker" conference in Cleveland, Ohio, will be held this year from April 7th through 9th, 2006. The event seeks to explore technology not only in traditional ways, but also as relevant to graphics, art, music, and social interaction. Two tracks of presentations centered on the theme of communication technologies and philosophy will be presented in addition to games, contests, live music, and art. Notacon is currently seeking presenters through January 9th. First-time speakers are welcomed to submit proposals and a lot of latitude is given to potential topics. Interested presenters should read the Call for Proposals which can be found at: For general information, including a currently list of presenters and events, please see their webpage: Pre-registration for the event is also available. Pricing is based on a tiered structure with prices as low as $40. Prices will increase to $100 until they are sold out. The will be a total 500 available registrations. Pre-registration specifics can be found on the Notacon pre-registration page: Take care and hope to see you there! - Froggy