it's not an inclusion bug, it is an fopen()/file corruption bug, this is the vulnerable code in xarMLSXML2PHPBackend.php: ... function create($ctxType, $ctxName) { assert('!empty($this->baseDir)'); assert('!empty($this->baseXMLDir)'); $this->fileName = $this->baseDir; $this->xmlFileName = $this->baseXMLDir; if (!ereg("^[a-z]+:$", $ctxType)) { list($prefix,$directory) = explode(':',$ctxType); if ($directory != "") { $this->fileName .= $directory . "/"; $this->xmlFileName .= $directory . "/"; } } $dirForMkDir = $this->fileName; if (!file_exists($dirForMkDir)) xarMLS__mkdirr($dirForMkDir, 0777); $this->fileName .= $ctxName . ".php"; $this->xmlFileName .= $ctxName . ".xml"; $xmlFileExists = false; if (file_exists($this->xmlFileName)) { if (!($fp1 = fopen($this->xmlFileName, "r"))) { xarLogMessage("Could not open XML input: ".$this->xmlFileName); } $data = fread($fp1, filesize($this->xmlFileName)); fclose($fp1); $xml_parser = xml_parser_create(); xml_parse_into_struct($xml_parser, $data, $vals, $index); xml_parser_free($xml_parser); $xmlFileExists = true; } else { xarLogMessage("MLS Could not find XML input: ".$this->xmlFileName); } $fp2 = @fopen ($this->fileName, "w" ); if ($fp2 !== false) { fputs($fp2, '<?php'."\n"); fputs($fp2, 'global $xarML_PHPBackend_entries;'."\n"); fputs($fp2, 'global $xarML_PHPBackend_keyEntries;'."\n"); if ($xmlFileExists) { foreach ($vals as $node) { if (!array_key_exists('tag',$node)) continue; if (!array_key_exists('value',$node)) $node['value'] = ''; if ($node['tag'] == 'STRING') { $node['value'] = str_replace('\'', '\\\'', $node['value']); $start = '$xarML_PHPBackend_entries[\''.$node['value']."']"; } elseif ($node['tag'] == 'KEY') { $node['value'] = str_replace('\'', '\\\'', $node['value']); $start = '$xarML_PHPBackend_keyEntries[\''.$node['value']."']"; } elseif ($node['tag'] == 'TRANSLATION') { if ($this->outCharset != 'utf-8') { $node['value'] = $GLOBALS['xarMLS_newEncoding']->convert($node['value'], 'utf-8', $this->outCharset, 0); } $node['value'] = str_replace('\'', '\\\'', $node['value']); if (!empty($node['value'])) { fputs($fp2, $start . " = '".$node['value']."';\n"); } } } } fputs($fp2, "?>"); fclose($fp2); } else { xarLogMessage("Could not create file: ".$this->fileName); global $xarML_PHPBackend_entries; global $xarML_PHPBackend_keyEntries; if ($xmlFileExists) { foreach ($vals as $node) { if (!array_key_exists('tag',$node)) continue; if (!array_key_exists('value',$node)) $node['value'] = ''; if ($node['tag'] == 'STRING') { $node['value'] = str_replace('\'', '\\\'', $node['value']); $entryIndex = $node['value']; $entryType = 'string'; } elseif ($node['tag'] == 'KEY') { $node['value'] = str_replace('\'', '\\\'', $node['value']); $entryIndex = $node['value']; $entryType = 'key'; } elseif ($node['tag'] == 'TRANSLATION') { if ($this->outCharset != 'utf-8') { $node['value'] = $GLOBALS['xarMLS_newEncoding']->convert($node['value'], 'utf-8', $this->outCharset, 0); } $node['value'] = str_replace('\'', '\\\'', $node['value']); if ($entryType == 'string') { $xarML_PHPBackend_entries[$entryIndex] = $node['value']; } elseif ($entryType == 'key') { $xarML_PHPBackend_keyEntries[$entryIndex] = $node['value']; } } } } } return true; } } ?> however, this is my proof of cocept exploit: