> > Multiple Vendor Anti-Virus Software Detection Evasion Vulnerability through > > forged magic byte. > > > AUTHOR: Andrey Bayora (www.securityelf.org) > > > For more details, screenshots and examples please read my article "The Magic > > of magic byte" at www.securityelf.org . In addition, you will find a sample > > "triple headed" program which has 3 different 'execution entry points', > > depending on the extension of the file (exe, html or eml) - just change the > > extension and the SAME file will be executed by (at least) THREE DIFFERENT > > programs! (thanks to contributing author Wayne Langlois from > > www.diamondcs.com.au). > Below I copied Trend Micro's response to the "magic byte" vulnerability in their products: ======================================== Dear Valued Client, Greetings! My name is <removed>. I will be the one handling your case. Please correct me if I left some issues or if I misunderstood your concern. Trend Micro is aware of a potential vulnerability related to the "forged magic byte" in certain file types. Based on our analysis, this vulnerability is limited in our products to one specific type of potential virus file which is not commonly allowed in most IT systems and needs to be executed manually. Trend Micro customers are currently able to detect such files -- should they be created -- through our virus pattern file, 2.915.00. Please make sure that you regularly update your virus definitions. Hope this information helps. ======================================== Any comments on their response? -- Mark