Hello All, Seems like netcraft is publishing URLs of the "IntrAnet" sites on their "Most Visited Web Sites" webpage. For e.g. see http://toolbar.netcraft.com/stats/topsites?s=BC2835548233105D201D1B94E743#1440209 It has listed IBM's secure intranet site: < https://w3esapp1.endicott.ibm.com > in the list, and also < http://nindsplus.ninds.nih.gov > . Both of these are intranet sites. I can list many others. This provides attackers/hacker an easy way to collect hostnames of your application servers that reside inside your firewall. This goes against the Netcraft's policy of collecting information about IntrAnet sites and publishing it on the internet. See "Will Netcraft know which pages I visit?" @ http://toolbar.netcraft.com/help/faq/index.html#riskrating Verify that your intranet sites are not listed on this website. If they are contact Netcraft and complain. P.S. This information is collected by netcraft's anti-phishing toolbar. This is a good example of how a seemingly harmless browser plugin can cause security issues. -- In Peace, Saqib Ali http://www.xml-dev.com/blog/ Consensus is good, but informed dictatorship is better.