Hi folks, as playing a little bit with CheckPoint NGX new release R60, I noticed a serious problem with the predefined service group "CIFS". This group includes the services called "microsoft-ds" (TCP Port 445) and the predefined service group "NBT", which includes some old smb-stuff. If I use this predefined service group "CIFS" in a rule, then every traffic matching the source an the destination will pass the firewall, whatever service it is (icmp, telnet and so on.). So its the same like using "ANY" in the services column. Workaround: Create an own group called "CIFS-custom" (e.g.) and put the service "microsoft-ds" and service-group "NBT" in it and use this in your rulebase. BTW: I tested it at SecurePlatform NGX (R60) Build 244.... and didn't checked older releases and versions.