hi all: Xcon2005 closed successful on Aug 20th, 2005 Those papers released in http://xcon.xfocus.org/ Chinese version papers in http://xcon.xfocus.net/ Hacking Windows CE..............................................-- by San Windows Kernel Pool Overflow Exploitation ......................-- by SoBeIt Advanced trojan in Grub ........................................-- by CoolQ Structural Signature and Signature's Structure..................-- by Funnywei New thoughts in ring3 nt rootkit ...............................-- by Baiyuanfan Anti-Virus Heuristics...........................................-- by Drew Reconfigurable Synchronization Technique........................-- by Cawan Java & Secure Programming.......................................-- by Marc Schoenefeld Security in development environment ...........................-- by ICBM Research on Same Source Feature Measuring Technology of Software-- by Liu,Xin Profiling Malware and Rootkits from Kernel-Mode ................-- by Matt Conover( Shok) I want to see farther ..........................................-- by TombKeeper New architecture and approach in Network Virus Detction ........-- by Seak Talking About 0day .............................................-- by Sowhat -- Best Regards alert7@xxxxxxxxxx Xfocus TEAM http://www.xfocus.org