Title: Nate User Password Disclosed By Anonymous Discoverer: PARK, GYU TAE (saintlinu@xxxxxxxxxxxxx) Advisory No.: NRVA05-06 Critical: High Critical Impact: User Information disclosed by unauthorized user Where: From remote Operating System: N / A Solution: Patched Workaround: N / A Notice: 08. 01. 2005 Initiate notified 08. 04. 2005 Vendor responded and patched 08. 05. 2005 Disclosure vulnerability Description: The Nate is portal service such as MSN, YAHOO on the Web in KOREA. And interlocked NateOn Messenger(See a NRVA05-02) When user requests URI on the NateWeb then shown up just like HTML document but particular URI had included DEBUG CODE for Web-Programmer Unfortunately DEBUG CODE is an USER'S INFORMATION like password See following detail describe: NOT INCLUDED HERE