-------------------------------------- Beehive Forum Multiple Vulnerabilities -------------------------------------- Beehive Forum is affected by sql injection, xss, and path disclosure. Vulnerabilities --------------- 1) The $_GET "webtag" parameter is on almost every page of the product and is vulnerable to sql injection, but because of the large number of pages ( I am guessing around 25 ) I will not put them all here. Also xss can be performed in this parameter by putting a leading ' in front of the javascript such as: forum/index.php?webtag='<script>alert(document.cookie);</script> 2) Inputting an offsite link such as http://www.google.com to the "final_uri" parameter of index.php results in path disclosure. Inputting ' as the "sort_by" parameter on index.php also results in path disclosure. 3) Inside of the includes folder, directly visiting many of the pages result in path disclosure. This occurs by the way the code calls the includes. For example in admin.php one of the first lines is: // Constant to define where the include files are define("BH_INCLUDE_PATH", "./include/"); now when you visit one of the includes pages you get an error of: Warning: main(BH_INCLUDE_PATHconstants.inc.php) [function.main]: failed to open stream .... so since BH_INCLUDE_PATH is defined on each page it cannot be properly used inside the include. A few of the pages /forum/include ( way too many to list, I counted 29 total ) are affected by this issue. I listed a few here: admin.php attachments.inc.php banned.inc.php beehive.inc.php constants.inc.php db.inc.php dictionary.inc.php 4) /forum/search_index.php produces path disclosure for the same reasons as mentioned above in part 3. Solutions --------- 1) The normal cleansing of variables before use in an sql query. 2) Check the page before redirecting to it. 3) On all the affected pages put code to check if the file is directly accessed and if it is then have it die. 4) same as 3 Credits ------- tgo thegreatone2176@xxxxxxxxx Greets ------ Zak, Elohimus, and teabag