"[2] that leads to remote code execution. Unfortunately, this vulner-
ability also exists in the PEAR XMLRPC implementation, and GulfTech
neglected to notify the vendors in question."
This is a very unfair statement as I did my best to hunt down everyone
using the vulnerable libraries. Both the PEAR guys and the PHPXMLRPC
guys were contacted several days ago, and I also took the time to
personally contact everyone I could find using the vulnerable XMLRPC
libraries. I think it would be impossible for anyone to hunt down every
application using these libraries.
In regards to the vulnerabilities: No technical details will be released
by GulfTech until both libraries are updated because the holes are
identical and it would cause more harm than good. Anyone using either
vulnerable library should visit the official website pertaining to the
library and download any updated version. Again, technical details of
the vulnerabilities in these two libraries will be released in the future.
Christopher Kunz wrote:
Hardened PHP Project
-= Security Advisory =-
Advisory: Remote code execution in Serendipity
Release Date: 2005/06/29
Last Modified: 2005/06/29
Author: Christopher Kunz <christopher.kunz@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Application: Serendipity <= 0.8.2
Severity: Arbitrary remote code execution
Risk: Very High
Vendor Status: Vendor has released an updated version
References: http://www.hardened-php.net/advisory-022005.php
Quote from http://www.s9y.org/:
"Serendipity is a weblog/blog system, implemented with PHP. It is
compliant, feature rich and open source (BSD License). Serendipity is
constantly under active development, with a team of talented
trying to make the best PHP powered blog on the net."