Description: MyBB is a powerful, efficient and free forum package developed in PHP and MySQL. MyBB has been designed with the end users in mind, you and your subscribers. Full control over your discussion system is presented right at the tip of your fingers, from multiple styles and themes to the ultimate customisation of your forums using the template system. Exploit: The Website field of a users profile doesnt properly sanitize user input before inserting the data into the database. This allows for the injection of HTML and scripting which can be utilized to affect the way a website displays, steal cookies containing password hashes, redirect the user completely, and perform various other tasks. It affects the current version of MyBB 1.0 RC 4, and should be fixed by the time the gold release comes out. Solution: Find line 329 in the file usercp.php containing the code `$website = addslashes($website);` Place cursor at the end of the line and hit enter twice, then either type in or paste the following block of code // Begin XSS Fix $website = strip_tags($website); // strip the tags $filter = array("\"", "\'", "<", ">", "@", "[", "]"); // build an array of characters to remove $website = str_replace($filter, "", $website); // remove all of the items in the array $website = eregi_replace("[\s]", "", $website); // strips out whitespace that is left after sanitizing input // End XSS Fix This code strips out characters that can appear in XSS as well as cleans up spaces left after the suspect characters are removed. This does not fix XSS already in someones profile, thats a simple matter of manipulating the database or using the admin panel to remove the code. -- "The Nelson-Shepherd cutoff: The point at which you realise someone is an idiot while trying to help them."