Dear Bugtraq Readers, I'd like to announce the call for papers for the IT UNDERGROUND 2005, a two-day conference organized by SoftwareâConferences and hakin9.lab team in 12-13 October 2005, Warsaw, Poland. IT UNDERGROUND 2005 is a third edition of conference dedicated to IT security issues, where remarkable authorities will share their knowledge and experience with IT specialists. In previous editions we had pleasure to listen to: Ofir Arkin, Maximillian Dornseif, David h1kari Hulton, Chuck Willis, Charl Van der Walt, Saumil Udayan Shah, Robert Lee Ayers, Dave Aitel, Stefano Zanero, Thorsten Holz, Joanna Rutkowska, Michael Shema, Piotr Sobolewski, Michal Szymanski, Paul Wouters, Rakan El-Khalil, Wojciech Dworakowski, K.K. Mookhey, Pawel Krawczyk. The dead line for lecture proposals is the 10th of July, 2005. All the detailed information you can find on We hope that you find our offer interesting. Please, contact me to discuss further details of our cooperation. IT UNDERGROUND 2005 â basic characteristics. When: 12-13 October 2005. Where: Warsaw, Poland. Topic: IT Security. We assure: Â hotel accommodation and transfer, Â full support for your presentation, both before and during the conference, Â providing the necessary technical facilities for the presentation, Â assistance in acquiring and publishing presentation materials, information about your lecture in the conference brochure, Â supervising and directing the overall progress of the conference. -- Greetings, Michal Szymanski