{================================================================================} { [waraxe-2005-SA#042] } {================================================================================} { } { [ Multiple vulnerabilities in Coppermine Photo Gallery 1.3.2 ] } { } {================================================================================} Author: Janek Vind "waraxe" Date: 20. April 2005 Location: Estonia, Tartu Web: http://www.waraxe.us/advisory-42.html Target software description: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Coppermine Photo Gallery Coppermine is an easily set-up, fast, feature-rich photo gallery script with MySQL database. CPG supports template & user management, private galleries, automatic thumbnail creation, film strip, e-card feature for easy customization to match the rest of a site. CPG 1.3 adds multiple uploads, updated securities, countless bug-fixes, many new features including support for document types (ie tiff, psd, swf etc) and online editing of documents! Homepage: http://coppermine.sourceforge.net/ Vulnerabilities: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Today we will analyze some possible security flaws in Coppermine 1.3.2 standalone. It all will start from: A - Sql injection ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Here is code fragment from "/include/init.inc.php" line ~ 357: --------[original source code]-------- // See if the fav cookie is set else set it if (isset($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS[$CONFIG['cookie_name'] . '_fav'])) { $FAVPICS = @unserialize(@base64_decode($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS[$CONFIG['cookie_name'] . '_fav'])); } else { $FAVPICS = array(); } --------[/original source code]-------- So as we can see, data from cookie (typical is "cpg132_fav") is base64_decode-d and then unserialized. So ANY kind of data can be delivered to coppermine, including single quotes (" ' "), nulls ("\0"), etc. What next? As i can understand, $FAVPICS is supposed to be as array with INT values. But where is checks then? With unserialize() there are all things possible... Let's see further, file "include/functions.inc.php", line ~ 840: --------[original source code]-------- if (count($FAVPICS)>0){ $favs = implode(",",$FAVPICS); $result = db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) from {$CONFIG['TABLE_PICTURES']} WHERE approved = 'YES' AND pid IN ($favs)"); $nbEnr = mysql_fetch_array($result); $count = $nbEnr[0]; mysql_free_result($result); $select_columns = '*'; $result = db_query("SELECT $select_columns FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_PICTURES']} WHERE approved = 'YES'AND pid IN ($favs) $limit"); $rowset = db_fetch_rowset($result); mysql_free_result($result); if ($set_caption) foreach ($rowset as $key => $row){ $caption = $rowset[$key]['title'] ? "<span class=\"thumb_caption\">".($rowset[$key]['title'])."</span>" : ''; $rowset[$key]['caption_text'] = $caption; } } --------[/original source code]-------- Well, "$favs" uses "$FAVPICS" without any sanitize and possible single quotes can propagate to $favs too. And finally "$favs" is used directly in sql queries. Therefore sql injection can take place and it's exploitable. Good news (for admin's and webmasters) is, that this kind of sql injection case is complicated to implement, because specific restricting factors. It needs to write special script or program, which uses COOKIE variables and some blind sql injection technics. Not for scriptkiddies this time ... Now, let's move further and assume, that someone is exploiting this specific sql injection and can therefore retrieve from database any arbitrary information. As usual, most interesting data do steal is admin username and password hash. So we are arrived to: B - Plaintext passwords in database ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Believe it or not, Coppermine uses plaintext passwords for storing in sql database. No md5, no sha1, just plaintext... I have information, that Coppermine will be using md5 hashes soon, but right now attacker can retrieve from sql database admin username and password and then get easily administrator privileges in Coppermine context. This gives to attacker new possibilities to further assault, and one of them is: C - Sql injection in "zipdownload.php" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Let's look at source code from "zipdownload.php" line ~ 45: --------[original source code]-------- if (count($FAVPICS)>0){ $favs = implode(",",$FAVPICS); $select_columns = 'filepath,filename'; $result = db_query("SELECT $select_columns FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_PICTURES']} WHERE approved = 'YES'AND pid IN ($favs)"); $rowset = db_fetch_rowset($result); foreach ($rowset as $key => $row){ $filelist[] = $rowset[$key]['filepath'].$rowset[$key]['filename']; } } --------[/original source code]-------- Zipdownload functionality is disabled by default in Coppermine, but when attacker will have admin privileges, it can be turned on. And by looking to source code we can see, that it will give to potential intruder possibilites to download any file from server, readable by script. How to fix: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Vendor first contacted: 16. April 2005 Vendor first response: 17. April 2005 Details sent to vendor: 17. April 2005 Vendor second response: 17. April 2005 Patch released by vendor: 20. April 2005 URL: http://coppermine.sourceforge.net/board/index.php?topic=17134 New Coppermine version 1.3.3 is available at: http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/coppermine/cpg1.3.3.zip?download Discussions - http://www.waraxe.us/forums.html Additional resources: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Online Base64 decoder and encoder - http://base64-encoder-online.waraxe.us/ SiteMapper - free php script for SEO phpNuke powered websites - Fresh version 0.5 can be downloaded @ http://sitemapper.waraxe.us/ Greetings: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Greets to LINUX, Heintz, murdock, g0df4th3r, slimjim100, shai-tan, y3dips and all other active members from waraxe.us forum ! Tervitused - Raido Kerna ! Contact: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ come2waraxe@xxxxxxxxx Janek Vind "waraxe" Homepage: http://www.waraxe.us/ ---------------------------------- [ EOF ] ------------------------------------