On Tue, Apr 19, 2005 at 05:30:28PM -0500, dramatools wrote: > However, I clicked your "proof of concept" link and found that the > redirector did not send me to Wikipedia as expected, but Capital One's > home page. Perhaps one of their security people is lurking on bugtraq > and attempted to fix the problem on the spot. I'll keep monitoring this > one. Looks like full disclosure worked. Thanks! http://barillari.org/blog/computers/internet/conephishing-updated.html Timeline (should be mostly complete): |13 Apr 01:28:45 -0400|Phishing email exploiting unchecked redirect arrives| |13 Apr 01:54:51 -0400|Emailed webinfo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx to report it| |13 Apr 01:53:00 -0400|Blog post "posted":http://barillari.org/blog/computers/internet/conephishing.html| |13 Apr 16:29:45 -0400|Inform Capital One of my intention to post to "bugtraq":http://securityfocus.org/archive/1 in 24 hours| |13 Apr 16:31:11 -0400|Capital One form letter arrives: "this [phishing] email has not compromised Capital One's systems in any way,"| |13 Apr 16:44:42 -0400|Reply to Capital One form letter: "this email _has_ taken advantage of a compromised Capital One system: Capital One's website redirects URLs without checking them....please see the note about bugtraq below"| |13 Apr 16:47:15 -0400|Another form letter: "A Capital One representative will respond to your e-mail inquiry, usually within 24 - 48 hours. Please note, due to high email volumes, this timeframe may be extended to up to 72 hours". I wonder if saying "bugtraq" provokes this response.| |19 Apr 16:32:15 -0400|Four business days later (well beyond 72h), redirect is still unchecked. "Post":http://www.securityfocus.com/archive/1/396255 bug to bugtraq and cc Capital One| |19 Apr 16:53:46 -0400|Reply to Capital One (signed by a human?) form letter: "the point is that the phishing email _has_ exploited a flaw in Capital One's systems. Your website permits unchecked redirects. This makes a phisher's job much, much easier.| |19 Apr 18:01:00 -0400|A bugtraq subscriber tells me that he's emailed abuse@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (I should have thought of that)| |19 Apr 14:27:05 -0800|<b>Another bugtraq subscriber tells me that it's fixed.</b> Checked myself --- apparently, it is.| |19 Apr 18:55:38 -0400|Send email to webinfo@, thanking them for fixing the unchecked redirect.|