The SQL Injection issue in showmembers.php (showmembers.php?si=[SQL]) was reported to one of the lead developers Michael Pierce on March 11th 2005 by James Bercegay of GulfTech Research And Development and has since been fixed after being confirmed a legitimate security risk. Users with the older vulnerable versions are urged to upgrade asap. More information can be found on the official PhotoPost forums. James -----Original Message----- From: dcrab@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:dcrab@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] Sent: Monday, March 28, 2005 1:21 PM To: bugtraq@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Subject: Multiple Sql injection, and multiple XSS vulnerabilities in Photopost PHP Pro Photo Gallery Software. Dcrab 's Security Advisory Severity: High Title: Multiple Sql injection, and multiple XSS vulnerabilities in Photopost PHP Pro Photo Gallery Software. Date: March 29, 2005 -- No virus found in this outgoing message. Checked by AVG Anti-Virus. Version: 7.0.308 / Virus Database: 266.8.3 - Release Date: 3/25/2005