/* -------------------------------------------------------- [N]eo [S]ecurity [T]eam [NST]® - Advisory #10 - 19/03/05 -------------------------------------------------------- Program: PVDasm Homepage: http://pvdasm.reverse-engineering.net/ Vulnerable Versions: v1.6b & lowers Risk: Medium!! Impact: Long Name Debug Vulnerability -==PVDasm Long Name Debug Vulnerability==- --------------------------------------------------------- - Description --------------------------------------------------------- Proview (a.k.a: PVDasm) is: Interactive, Multi-Cpu (x86/Chip8) Disassembler. the Disassembler engine has been coded by (Ben) and it's free for Public Usage. Proview (PVDasm) is my attempt to make a Disassembler as a part for school final project and for basic knowledge & fun! PVDasm is fully coded in C (IDE: MS-VC++.6.0), a bit of C++ Classes and STL Templates for internal memory management. - Tested --------------------------------------------------------- Windows XP non-SP - Explotation --------------------------------------------------------- If PVDasm load a file with more than 100 characters it will crash. This can be use for anti-debuging techniques. - Exploit --------------------------------------------------------- Pick any *.exe and change the name for more than 100 Characters or letters and PVDasm will crash. - Solutions -------------------------------------------------------- Not Yet xD - References -------------------------------------------------------- http://neosecurityteam.net/Advisories/Advisory-10.txt - Credits ------------------------------------------------- Discovered by HaCkZaTaN <hck_zatan@xxxxxxxxxxx> [N]eo [S]ecurity [T]eam [NST]® - http://neosecurityteam.net/ Got Questions? http://neosecurityteam.net/ Irc.InfoGroup.cl #neosecurityteam - Greets -------------------------------------------------------- Paisterist T0wn3r LINUX Heap Nitrous CrashCool eL_mEsIaS Makoki KingMetal And my Colombian people @@@@'''@@@@'@@@@@@@@@'@@@@@@@@@@@ '@@@@@''@@'@@@''''''''@@''@@@''@@ '@@'@@@@@@''@@@@@@@@@'''''@@@ '@@'''@@@@'''''''''@@@''''@@@ @@@@''''@@'@@@@@@@@@@''''@@@@@ */