--On Dienstag, 15. März 2005 08:34 -0800 bipin gautam <visitbipin@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I STIL FIND IT happy to see there are lot of AV out there that cant scan such file properly to detect virus.
The problem must be located in the unzip engine:
We've created a mixed ZIP now:
# unzip -l mixed-eicar.zip
Archive: mixed-eicar.zip
Length Date Time Name
-------- ---- ---- ----
308 03-10-05 12:00 Test^G^[[2J^[[2;5m^[[1;31mHACKER ATTACK^[[2;25m^[[22;30m^[[3q.txt
308 03-10-05 12:00 eicarcom2.zip
-------- -------
616 2 files
BTW: note here that "unzip" displays the escape sequences very proper!
Available here: <ftp://ftp.aerasec.de/pub/advisories/unfiltered-escape-sequences/mixed-eicar.zip>
Some AV software detect the virus only in second part of the ZIP file, so it looks like the first one is really skipped and not analysed.
Peter -- Dr. Peter Bieringer Phone: +49-8102-895190 AERAsec Network Services and Security GmbH Fax: +49-8102-895199 Wagenberger Strasse 1 Mobile: +49-174-9015046 D-85662 Hohenbrunn E-Mail: pbieringer@xxxxxxxxxx Germany Internet: http://www.aerasec.de