Paul Laudanski wrote:
Slashdot ran two stories earlier on how iDownload/iSearch sent letters toWhat's truly interesting is that the legal counsel for iDownload/iSearch indicates that there is a "lively debate" going on on the internet about whether or not their program is spyware or not.
anti-spyware companies/websites telling them to [ ] stop
listing their brand as spyware or malware. The spyware critics [ ]
responded back indicating they do not agree with iDownload's assertions. iDownload has now responded back to the spyware critics. Two sites to
date received replies, read [ ] CastleCops and [
] Sunbelt Software for details. Other sources picked up this story
including [
] The Independent, [ ]
Broadbandreports, [ ] Robin, and
ZDNet Blog [ ] Spyware
Maybe I'm not looking in the same places, but I have never seen any debate regarding the classification of these programs, at least not a lively one.
As for my own experience, I've witnessed iSearch/iDownload packages being installed on systems during adware/spyware infestations. Only one conclusion can be gained from that: You guys are on the right side of this argument and these people need to be opposed.
Their assertions are laughable.