Security Advisory
Problem: Apple AirPort WDS DoS Affected devices: AirPort Extreme and Airport Express. Severity: Denial of service. Author: Dylan Griffiths <dylang@xxxxxxxxx> Vendor Status: Fix available.
Apple's AirPort devices are wireless access points, providing 802.11 services to network clients. One popular configuration is the WDS which causes each access point to act like a physical port on a virtual switch, forwarding packets between two or more wired segments of a network.
When configured in a WDS, Apple's Airport Extreme and Express basestations can be made to crash when a UDP port is connected to, and then a link-state change occurs. The software responsible for bridging packets between the wired and wireless sides will stop responding, and the entire device will lock up (the status lights will not indicate an error).
Vendor Response:
New firmware has been released for both devices. Update your WDS-enabled networks to the latest firmware as soon as possible. Special thanks to John Clecak at Apple for working with me to isolate and correct this bug!
Airport Express 6.1.1 firmware MacOSX: Windows:
Airport Extreme 5.5.1 firmware MacOSX: Windows: