All, A lot of fuzz has come around the canonicalization issue found with IIS and ASP.NET forms authentication. One of the main worries has been if IISShield is an effective measure to prevent this kind of exploit. So, is it effective? Yes! Since ISAPI Filters will be the main topic, here goes. ISAPI Filters have several notifications to which they can subscribe and these notifications are the various steps through which an Http Request goes through before reaching the intended script map ISAPI Extension to which it is destined. Each ISAPI Filter installed in IIS has a chance to do something (parse, modify) to the contents of that Http Request (each ISAPI gets a chance to its own thing in the exact order they are installed in IIS). Only after the ISAPI Filters process the pre-execution notifications, is when IIS delivers the Http Request to the appropriate script map ISAPI Extension. ASP.NET, with its associated extensions - aspx, asax, ashx, etc.., is handled by one of those ISAPI Extensions called C:\WINNT\Microsoft.NET\Framework\<framework version>\aspnet_isapi.dll (IIS5). In IIS6, the ISAPI Extension of ASP.NET has another name I do not recall right now. These extensions deal with all the details of the ASP.NET execution request. After ASP.NET terminates the processing of the Http Request, it then delivers it the ISAPI Filters "kingdom" again. And now, the Http Response (now its called response, since it is an answer to a request) must then travel through the post-execution notifications where again the ISAPI Filters have their opportunity to parse/modify the Http Response. So, every Http Request reaching IIS goes through the ISAPi Filter notifications where there is an opportunity to parse the request. KodeIT IISShield reliably protects IIS from any encoding attempt of a URL be it: - Hexadecimal escape codes - UTF-8 variable-width encoding - UCS-2 Unicode encoding - Double encoding Tiago Halm KodeIT Development Team --- [This E-mail has been scanned for viruses but it is your responsibility to maintain up to date anti virus software on the device that you are currently using to read this email. ]