Let's go for the second one: ========================================= Title: Overwrite $_FILE array in rfc1867 - Mime multipart/form-data File Upload Affected: Php <= 5.0.1 Not Affected: it seems none Vulnerability Type: Possible write of a downloaded file in an arbitrary location. Vendor Status: Vendor has released a fix on cvs.php.net ==Summary: Bad array parsing in rfc1867.c could lead to overwrite $_FILES array elements. ==Description: I don't know if releasing a POC for this vuln is a good thing because php is used widely in the net... so if you are interested feel free to contact me. ==Solution: Authors where contacted and they have released the patch that can be found on the CVS cvs.php.net ================================================= Regards, Stefano -..----=oOOo=----=oOOo=--------- Stefano Di Paola Software Engineer stefano.dipaola_at_wisec_dot_it stefano.dipaola1_at_tin_dot_it -------------------------------